About Us
If you have struggled to find a reliable, efficient company with technicians you can trust, you don’t have to struggle any longer. The experts at Schaal Plumbing, Heating and Cooling are here for you!
“My air conditioner is blowing but the air is warm.”
“The pipes in my basement are banging every time my dishwasher turns on.”
“Every time my heat pump turns on it smells like dirty gym socks!”

When you have over 70 years’ worth of heating, cooling and water heater experience, there isn’t a whole lot you haven’t heard. You can’t buy this kind of experience, it has to be earned, and with every new generation that comes to Schaal Plumbing, Heating and Cooling, we pass this experience along to each and every technician in our employ. But that’s not all we do. Our experts are NATE– and SAVE–certified so while they carry great accumulated knowledge from past experience, they are just as well–versed in the latest trends and technologies in the heating and cooling industries. Then there are our guarantees. There isn’t just one guarantee, there are eight, and you get them with every job we do:
- Safe Home Guarantee
- Clean House Guarantee
- Client Courtesy Guarantee
- Comfort Assurance Guarantee
- No Paperwork Promise
- Lemon Warranty
- Price Guarantee
- No Surprises Guarantee
We can’t vouch for what other companies will offer you, but we can vouch for what we will always offer you: expert service with guarantees that ensure the quality of the work, the quality of the products and the quality of our technicians.